Dynamo Dusty Tree Service

Contact: Dusty Drake, Owner

Email: Dusty@DynamoDustyTree.com

Phone: 737-248-0108

Visit: Dynamo Dusty Tree Service

Dusty, a successful veteran, former C-Level executive, and shamanic energy practitioner and meditation teacher, was in search of a new path that blended his love of working with nature and assisting in the healing of others. While working as a ranch hand for a year and bringing the land back to life, Dusty began offering his land clearing and tree services in the area.

The business took off, and just in time, Dusty enlisted the help of Danny and Emilio, young veterans and trusted, hardworking long-time family friends who both happened to be in transitional periods in their lives and in search of meaningful work.

Visit: Dynamo Dusty Tree Service

Source: https://www.dynamodustytree.com/